Do you feel like you're not getting a substantial return on your marketing dollars? It might not be what you think. There could be another reason that...
In this article I'll discuss the common causes of unpaid claims and what you can do about it right now. The better trained your staff are, the less un...
Same-day cancellations are a pain in the butt! They prevent people from getting the care they need and they cause havoc in your practice. Read on to l...
Without highly trained Patient Care Coordinators, you're playing roulette with your marketing dollars. Stop wasting money and start helping more pati...
Here's one story of the amazing results my clients are seeing. Read what Mallory, a newly trained Patient Care Coordinator from Atlas Physical Therapy...
Imagine if your schedule was completely full for Monday BEFORE you left on Friday AND everyone showed up for their appointments on Monday? Now, how wo...
Your front office team is the FIRST and LAST point of contact with every patient and potential patient. Without a well-trained, well-organized front o...